Crafting the Perfect Invite: Email and Text Guide

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You have launched your Vidlo campaign and now it is time to bring your videos to life. To curate the ideal content from your audience, it’s crucial to extend a thoughtful invitation. That’s why we’ve curated a selection of templates to guide you in asking them to create the perfect video.

Sharing Your Vidlo Campaign

Hot Tip 🔥: Asking customers for video testimonials becomes a breeze with Vidlo. We’ve streamlined the process, keeping testimonials short (up to 15 seconds) for easy recording by your customers and seamless sharing for you.

Sharing your Vidlo campaign is easy. Simply copy your URL link and share it via email, text, or social media, or display the QR code on your website, products, posters, etc. The Vidlo link takes your audience directly to your campaign, where they can record videos that sync in real time to your dashboard. The recording process is only 15 seconds or less, and the entire process takes less than 1 minute!

Hot Tip 🔥: When sharing your Vidlo campaign, remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach; it depends on your audience and your engagement goals. Whether you want to encourage spontaneous content creation with a QR code at a physical location or prefer reaching out to past customers via a personalized link, tailor your strategy to match how you want to connect with your audience.

How to Ask for your Video Content

When you have specific individuals in mind to create content around your brand, the easiest way is to send a direct campaign message asking if they could make a video. We’ve crafted successful email templates for this purpose.

Email Templates

Send an email to your customers or audience specifically targeting brand advocates or those who have left positive reviews or comments. You can email your brand advocates a follow-up email asking for a video. Check out the template below for reference.

Hot Tip 🔥: Customize email to fit your needs- ie, add incentives, giveaways, etc).

Template Examples

Initial Email

Subject: We’d love to feature you! 

We’re excited that you are a part of our (insert YOUR BRAND) story, and we’d love to be able to share your story with our community in a short testimonial video.

Would you be able to record a video about your experience with our brand or products in the next two weeks? We’re using the tool Vidlo to make it super easy, it only takes 15 seconds to record. The recording can be done from your phone or laptop.

Please let me know and I’ll send the link and the questions right over.

Thanks so much!

If they agree to your video testimonials, this is your next message: 

Follow Up Email:

Subject: Your Featured Video

Thanks so much for agreeing to record a video testimonial! We really appreciate it. Here are the details on recording a video – it should take 2 minutes max (recording is only 15 seconds). Just click here to record your video.  

The questions that we’d like you to answer is:

How did our product change or help your life? 

Tips for recording:

1. Pick a quiet and well lit place.

2. Make sure you have internet connection 

3. Avoid having bright light sources behind you to prevent glare.

4. Look directly at the camera.

5. Relax and be yourself – you’ll do great 🙂 

Let me know if you have any questions, and thanks again!

Reminder Email

If they did not get back to you, send them a reminder.

Subject: Quick reminder – Your Video Testimonial 

I just wanted to bump this to the top of your inbox to see when you might be able to carve out 15 seconds to record a short video.

Here’s the link to record your video – you can record any time it’s convenient for you from your phone or laptop.

We appreciate your time 🙂 Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance.

Text Message

Why choose text messaging to share your campaign? Texting offers a direct and instant connection with your audience or customers. No other platform provides the same immediacy and personal touch. It’s a quick and convenient way to ask for your video content.

Send a text message to engage your customers for video testimonials. Offering incentives, such as product giveaways or promos, can make the engagement even more effective. 


Initial Text Message:

Hey, Thanks for being a part of the “your brand” community. We would love to feature you in a short testimonial video. It will take less than a minute and as a thank you, we are offering 10% off your next purchase.

Let us know if you are interested! Thanks again!

Follow Up Text:

We’re excited to hear your thoughts. Please record your 15-second video using this link 🎥 [Insert Recording Link] within the next 1-2 weeks. The question we’d love you to answer is: “How has our product changed your life?” Once we receive your video, you’ll get your promo code for a special 10% off on your next purchase. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Your contribution means a lot to us! 🙌

Followup Reminder:

Hey, just checking in to see if you had a chance to consider being featured in our testimonial video. Your story matters to us! Plus, there’s a 10% discount waiting for your next purchase as a token of our gratitude. Let us know if you’re interested!

Whether you need to connect with your audience through email or text marketing, the approach matters. Crafting personalized emails to your advocates and utilizing Vidlo to capture your videos, guarantees a hassle-free experience for both you and your customers. The simplicity of recording a 15-second video ensures a quick and genuine response.

In the world of text marketing, engaging customers through incentives like product giveaways or promos adds an extra layer of effectiveness. A simple text message can spark enthusiasm, and with a thoughtful follow-up, you can keep the momentum going.

Choose the approach that resonates with your audience, and let the power of authentic videos elevate your brand. Vidlo is your ally in this journey, making the process enjoyable for your advocates and rewarding for your brand. Start collecting those impactful stories and let your customers become the voice of your success. Happy Video gathering!

Are you ready to start capturing your video content in seconds? Sign up for our Free 7 Day Trial. 

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