Automate Collecting Video Testimonials: Tips and Tools

At Vidlo, we focus on helping you capture video testimonials and content from your customers in seconds. Capturing video content is crucial for businesses looking to engage with their audience and build trust. Videos, especially those used in testimonial marketing, offer a powerful way to showcase your brand’s value and authenticity. Customer testimonials are a key component of this strategy. Here are several ways to share your campaign with your audience, and capture more video content instantly and automatically.

Automated Requests

One of the most effective ways to capture video content is by setting up automated requests at key touchpoints in the customer journey. Automation ensures that you reach out to customers at the right moment, without requiring constant manual effort.

Email and Text Automations

Using your email or text marketing tools, you can set up automated messages requesting video testimonials from your customers. These messages can be triggered after significant events such as a purchase, project completion, or after a specific period of time. This approach ensures that you capture customer experiences while they are still fresh and relevant.

How to Set Up Email and Text Automations:

  • Choose a marketing tool that supports automation, such as Mailchimp, SendGrid, or Twilio.

  • Create a compelling message template that explains the importance of their video testimonial and how it can help other customers.

  • Set triggers based on customer actions, such as making a purchase, completing a project, or reaching a certain milestone.

  • Schedule follow-up reminders if you don’t receive a video on the first attempt. (Send up to 3-5 follow up reminders). 

Image: Email from Live Nation

Another way to automate your campaign is by adding it directly to your website. Whether it’s a tab or a button, giving your visitors the opportunity to create content at any moment is essential.

Add your Vidlo Campaign to your Website

An effective strategy is to integrate your Vidlo campaign directly into your website. Adding a dedicated tab that links to your custom Vidlo landing page allows visitors to create videos right in the moment.

Benefits of Website Integration:

  • Immediate Engagement: Visitors can record their testimonials while their experience is fresh.

  • Easy Access: A dedicated tab makes it easy for customers to find where they can share their thoughts.

  • Increased Participation: Simplifying the process encourages more customers to participate.

How to Add a Vidlo Landing Page to Your Website:

  • Create a custom landing page using Vidlo that guides customers through the video recording process.

  • Add a prominent tab or button on your website that links to this landing page.

  • Customers can record directly from their device and it all syncs to you. 

Let’s talk about the power of your CRM (Customer Relationship Management).  It already has all of your customers’ information, so setting up an automation to send them a link to capture their video testimonial is pretty simple.

CRM Integrations

Integrating your testimonial collection process with your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system can further streamline video capture. For instance, using tools like Salesforce or HubSpot, you can automate requests based on customer behavior.

How to Use CRM Integrations:

  • Behavioral Triggers: Set up triggers that send video requests based on specific customer actions, such as reaching a milestone, making a purchase, or completing a project.

  • Personalized Requests: Use the data in your CRM to personalize your video requests, making customers more likely to respond.

  • Follow-Up Automation: Schedule automated follow-ups if you don’t receive a video response within a certain timeframe.

Another way to automate your video capture is live experiences. If you are not creating live experiences to connect with your audience, you are missing out on golden opportunities to capture their video content.

Creating Live Experiences

Interactive and live experiences can significantly boost customer engagement and video submissions. Here are two effective methods:

Printed Materials

Include Vidlo QR codes on printed materials such as receipts, invoices, or thank-you cards. When customers scan these codes, they are directed to a page where they can easily record and submit their video testimonials.

Benefits of Printed Materials:

  • Convenience: Customers can quickly scan the QR code and submit their video at their convenience.


  • Visibility: Printed materials serve as a constant reminder for customers to share their experiences.

Posters or Signage

Set up posters or signage in your store or office inviting customers to scan a QR code to create their video testimonials. This method works well in physical locations where customers spend time.

How to Implement Posters or Signage:

  • Design attractive posters or signs that clearly explain the process and benefits of submitting a video testimonial.


  • Place the signage in high-traffic areas to maximize visibility and participation.


  • Ensure the QR code links directly to your Vidlo landing page for a seamless experience.


  • Always offer your customers an incentive. 

Note 📝 -Once you have your automation set up to capture video testimonials, it’s essential to send follow-ups and reminders. Customers might forget or it might slip their mind, so a friendly reminder is always crucial when you need to collect video content.

Follow-Up Reminders

Persistence is key when capturing video content. If you don’t receive a video or testimonial on the first message, send a follow-up reminder. Automated reminders can significantly increase response rates, ensuring you get the valuable content you need. You should send 3-5 reminders. 

Tips for Effective Follow-Up Reminders:

  • Timing: Space out your reminders to avoid overwhelming your customers.

  • Personalization: Tailor your follow-up messages to make them feel more personal and relevant.

  • Incentives: Consider offering small incentives or rewards to encourage participation.

Capturing more video content doesn’t have to be a manual and time-consuming process. By leveraging automated requests, integrating with your website and CRM, and creating live experiences, you can efficiently gather your best video testimonials from customers. Remember, persistence and a seamless user experience are key to maximizing participation. Start implementing these strategies today and watch your collection of the best video testimonials grow effortlessly. 

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